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# Future Security Forum 2024: Global Security in the Next Decade (Day 2)

00:00:28.960 e
00:00:58.920 e e
00:01:59.600 ni
00:02:28.840 e for
00:03:24.319 well ladies and gentlemen good
00:03:26.159 morning good morning ladies and
00:03:27.879 gentlemen it's um it's uh day two of the
00:03:31.280 future security Forum my name is uh Ann
00:03:33.760 Langford and I'm the executive director
00:03:36.840 of security and defense plus which I'll
00:03:39.080 talk about more shortly but uh firstly I
00:03:42.159 want to uh acknowledge and uh State my
00:03:45.720 appreciation for all of you taking time
00:03:47.599 out of your busy lives and for many of
00:03:50.200 you uh having to balance your important
00:03:52.879 responsibilities with the opportunity to
00:03:55.159 contribute to a very important
00:03:57.000 discussion to be here today uh I really
00:03:58.920 appreciate the time effort you've made
00:04:01.120 particularly those that have traveled
00:04:02.519 from great distance we've got friends
00:04:04.879 here from Europe from the UK we've got a
00:04:07.079 couple from Australia we've got many
00:04:08.760 from throughout uh the US uh and that
00:04:11.840 all comes with some effort and a degree
00:04:14.200 of sacrifice so again it's a great
00:04:16.478 privilege to be here in your presence I
00:04:18.160 really want to acknowledge the efforts
00:04:19.358 you've made and look forward to a a
00:04:21.798 really positive contribution from you
00:04:23.680 today uh also worth acknowledging those
00:04:26.080 that are online for those who aren't
00:04:27.720 aware we have uh a live stream of this
00:04:30.440 activity today and I know we have people
00:04:32.360 dialing in from not only the orcus
00:04:34.919 jurisdictions of Australia the UK and
00:04:37.440 throughout uh here in the US but also
00:04:40.039 from other friends and partners across
00:04:42.800 the indopacific region across Europe who
00:04:45.960 all are part of a community of interest
00:04:47.840 and practice on defense and Security in
00:04:50.520 the context of a world that I think we
00:04:52.320 would all increasingly describe as
00:04:54.400 volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous
00:04:58.120 uh it also would be remiss of me not to
00:05:00.320 acknowledge uh the success of the first
00:05:02.919 day of the future security forum and
00:05:05.479 state my appreciation to Amar Slaughter
00:05:08.720 Peter Berg and and Daniel Rothenberg in
00:05:11.000 particular uh for what was a really
00:05:13.160 great day in terms of setting the
00:05:15.160 context uh and acknowledging the work
00:05:17.600 that has been done throughout the
00:05:18.840 history of the FSF with its Partners ISU
00:05:22.120 and others uh to get us to a point where
00:05:24.560 security and defense plus can now be
00:05:26.400 part of that broader
00:05:28.039 contribution uh I repres present three
00:05:30.479 universities Arizona State University
00:05:33.360 Kings College London and University of
00:05:35.479 New South Wales and security and defense
00:05:38.160 plus was an idea born out of the orcus
00:05:42.319 agreement of September
00:05:44.039 2021 uh and inspired by the work that
00:05:46.560 had happened between those three
00:05:47.880 universities via what is known as the
00:05:49.639 plus Alliance particularly in the areas
00:05:51.600 of Health uh and Engineering the three
00:05:55.199 University presidents imagined and saw
00:05:58.120 an opportunity for how research and
00:06:00.520 higher education in not only the Orest
00:06:03.240 Nations but other friends and partner
00:06:05.120 Nations as well can make a direct
00:06:08.240 contribution to security and defense in
00:06:10.880 the context of Changing
00:06:12.880 Times those three streams that came out
00:06:15.680 of this organization really do focus on
00:06:18.000 Research education Pathways and
00:06:21.240 Partnerships and that's clearly relevant
00:06:23.319 today uh in this occasion when we talk
00:06:26.280 about the contributions at think tanks
00:06:28.800 that the broader academic contribution
00:06:30.960 and Community the political uh cycles
00:06:33.840 that all three countries find themselves
00:06:35.479 in and the role of Higher Education and
00:06:38.080 Research in what I like to think of as
00:06:40.479 the third leg of the three- leg National
00:06:43.160 Power stool when it comes to security
00:06:45.440 and defense the other two being you know
00:06:47.520 defense and military power itself and
00:06:49.599 then government and Industry in the
00:06:51.199 broader context so my role is to
00:06:54.080 Advocate on the part of the three
00:06:56.160 universities to encourage a debate
00:06:58.720 around defense and security to involve
00:07:01.680 and Inspire students uh inside our
00:07:05.160 universities and you know an age
00:07:07.560 demographic more broadly to be part of
00:07:10.120 the solution set across our countries as
00:07:13.479 we move deeper into this Century uh and
00:07:16.120 we're faced with the challenges that we
00:07:17.720 know are
00:07:19.120 coming as it relates to orcus in
00:07:21.400 particular and I'll just take a little
00:07:22.520 bit of time to talk about the relevance
00:07:24.120 which will be an important context for
00:07:25.680 today many of you would be familiar with
00:07:27.599 that September 2021 arrangement
00:07:30.039 ostensibly around two pillars pillar one
00:07:32.639 being the delivery of a nuclear
00:07:36.479 propelled submarine capability for
00:07:39.879 Australia in the context of an alliance
00:07:42.520 effort to be able to maintain the
00:07:44.240 balance of power particularly in the
00:07:45.639 undersea domain in the indo-pacific
00:07:47.560 that's pillar one pillar one extends the
00:07:52.080 S&T Arc of History out of the US
00:07:54.919 particularly in that domain to include
00:07:57.440 Australia in a very exclusive Club
00:07:59.560 alongside the United Kingdom to provide
00:08:01.960 a deterrent capability that by any set
00:08:04.919 of objective analysis is seen as
00:08:06.840 critical to maintaining peace and
00:08:09.000 security globally uh across certainly
00:08:11.919 the next couple of decades and deeper
00:08:13.599 into this Century pillar one comes with
00:08:16.159 significant challenge not only for
00:08:18.199 Australia but for all three countries
00:08:19.879 and we're seeing elements of that uh
00:08:22.240 from everything including increasing the
00:08:24.319 capacity of the uh shipyards here to to
00:08:27.960 to up the throughput a Virginia class
00:08:30.240 submarine in the first instance to be
00:08:32.559 able to understand the role that
00:08:34.240 barrowing finesse in the UK will play as
00:08:36.640 it relates to not only uh the United
00:08:39.120 Kingdom's future surface Warfare and
00:08:41.839 undersee program in terms of production
00:08:43.760 capacity but also what that might mean
00:08:45.399 for Australia in the second decade uh
00:08:48.440 and then in my part of the world it's
00:08:49.920 about a whole new shift that includes an
00:08:52.279 event horizon that sees Australia not
00:08:55.120 only contributing to an alliance
00:08:57.240 framework that it values and has done so
00:08:59.760 since really the second world war but
00:09:01.200 also leading in so far as building the
00:09:03.680 kind of Workforce skill the technology
00:09:06.320 sets the aspiration to be able to you
00:09:10.360 know shape and contribute and respond to
00:09:13.800 security and defense in our part of the
00:09:15.920 world as a co-equal to our other allies
00:09:18.519 and partners in so doing so pillar one
00:09:21.440 comes with great ambition and great
00:09:24.079 opportunity research higher education
00:09:27.079 plays a significant role in that for
00:09:29.360 Australia in particular we have to go
00:09:30.920 from zero to about 30,000 in terms of a
00:09:33.720 stewardship Workforce in the next 15 to
00:09:36.440 20 years that can't be done without the
00:09:39.320 assistance of universities of think
00:09:41.800 tanks and those that need to skill the
00:09:43.519 workforce that is coming in relation to
00:09:46.360 pillar two and I'm sure many of you
00:09:47.800 would be aware of what it entails but
00:09:49.560 those emerging offset asymmetric
00:09:52.480 technology sets again are seen as part
00:09:55.640 of the success dividend of what military
00:09:58.160 deterrence and capability looks like not
00:10:01.200 only now but again moving deeper into
00:10:03.600 this century when you think about
00:10:06.800 automation when you think about AI when
00:10:09.200 you think about Quantum when you think
00:10:11.120 about alternates to Precision navigation
00:10:13.040 timing you can't have that conversation
00:10:16.240 without understanding the important role
00:10:18.000 that research that science that
00:10:19.680 technology plays in being able to arrive
00:10:23.000 at a capability in an applied context
00:10:25.640 before somebody else does and again
00:10:28.240 that's an arms race it's a space race
00:10:30.519 it's now technology race in the way that
00:10:32.800 we have done this before throughout the
00:10:34.279 20th century and the challenge that lays
00:10:36.720 before us now part of what I think the
00:10:39.560 FSS seeks to do is to apply the context
00:10:42.320 and certainly what snd plus is charged
00:10:45.079 to do is to bring the collective
00:10:47.160 capacity of all three of those
00:10:48.600 universities plus the university and
00:10:50.880 higher education sectors of all three
00:10:52.600 countries in particular to bear on these
00:10:55.839 Grand problems it's about having an
00:10:57.720 event horizon a more star that we are
00:11:01.000 part of in terms of contributing to
00:11:02.959 defense and National Security Beyond
00:11:05.399 just a military platform or a specific
00:11:08.160 problem this is about changing the
00:11:10.000 nature of what we do and responding to
00:11:12.800 the circumstances that we now find
00:11:14.480 ourselves in so that's what snd does and
00:11:17.720 certainly again we look forward to
00:11:19.920 continuing to develop our Partnerships
00:11:22.160 our education Pathways and our research
00:11:24.800 opportunities in that regard uh The
00:11:27.839 Forum today really is focused on uh us
00:11:30.760 being able to elevate and lift our
00:11:32.600 perspective Beyond uh how we all
00:11:34.880 contribute in the defense and security
00:11:36.680 context to think about the broader
00:11:38.760 issues uh in that context and we've got
00:11:41.600 a great series of panels today that
00:11:43.600 really are interactive in nature and by
00:11:45.600 that I mean uh the panelists will be
00:11:47.760 encouraged by the moderators to speak
00:11:50.000 and then we look forward to having
00:11:51.240 questions from particularly here in the
00:11:52.720 room but also those online to really
00:11:54.800 stimulate a conversation about where the
00:11:57.040 need is as it relates to a particular
00:11:59.440 topic so if it's political resiliency if
00:12:02.160 it's intelligence sharing if it's about
00:12:03.959 alliances and Partnerships if it's about
00:12:06.440 industry if it's about the indopacific
00:12:08.440 region if it's about understanding from
00:12:10.880 Kevin rud for example uh his high level
00:12:13.360 view at the ambassadorial level uh what
00:12:16.160 opportunities what challenges what
00:12:17.760 threats and what strengths lie across
00:12:20.680 the task that we all have in the next 10
00:12:22.639 to 15 years today is the day to do it
00:12:25.320 and today really is also the start of
00:12:27.199 the conversation so we will have
00:12:29.600 deliberate breaks uh in between our
00:12:31.839 panels where the aim is to develop those
00:12:34.320 networks the Fireside Chats the coffee
00:12:36.839 braks the quiet conversations the
00:12:38.639 exchange of business cards that's all
00:12:40.800 the virtue of having these sorts of
00:12:42.600 activities so please see value in those
00:12:45.160 breaks to be able to share information
00:12:47.720 understand perspectives and to be able
00:12:49.480 to work towards some sort of community
00:12:51.320 of enduring practice going forward um
00:12:54.000 just a couple of housekeeping as I said
00:12:55.560 we'll have breaks I will essentially MC
00:12:57.800 throughout the day um the uh the
00:13:00.160 moderators will introduce their various
00:13:02.040 panels um we will try and stick to time
00:13:05.160 uh we've got Kevin right here after
00:13:06.600 lunch again he's on a very fixed window
00:13:08.760 so appreciate if we could have everyone
00:13:10.440 organized um for that activity we've got
00:13:12.959 books for sale outside and again the aim
00:13:16.079 today is discourse and networking and
00:13:19.079 that's our role here so without further
00:13:21.320 Ado I'll introduce uh our first panel
00:13:24.279 moderator Professor wi Bowen and uh us I
00:13:28.040 beg your pardon Dr Jennifer for on
00:13:29.839 the political resilience of August you
00:13:31.560 can have a break there win and go back
00:13:33.000 to sleep uh and we will kick off on what
00:13:35.920 promises to be a very fulfilling day
00:13:38.519 thanks very
00:13:39.750 [Laughter]
00:13:50.360 much good morning everyone I'm very
00:13:52.680 excited to to be here today and to kick
00:13:55.079 off the the extravagan of aus for the
00:13:58.120 day um
00:13:59.839 so this panel is going to be focusing on
00:14:01.440 the political resiliency of the Aus
00:14:03.720 partnership focusing on the specific
00:14:05.959 interests and strategic priorities of
00:14:07.839 our three key members Australia the US
00:14:10.839 and the UK and we have assembled um an
00:14:14.279 excellent group of panelists here to
00:14:16.160 talk about the country's perspectives
00:14:18.800 and discuss their views on how Aus
00:14:21.279 addresses resolving Global and Regional
00:14:23.199 challenges strengthens trilateral part
00:14:26.199 cooperation which is obviously a big
00:14:28.120 part of what OAS has
00:14:29.880 about and ader uh and basically helps to
00:14:33.240 sort of respond to the shifting
00:14:35.160 political and technological
00:14:37.079 Landscapes so the the panel will provide
00:14:40.240 insights on the Strategic and um an
00:14:43.000 individual perspective that contribute
00:14:44.519 to oas's strength and Effectiveness in
00:14:46.279 promoting Regional security and
00:14:47.959 stability so why is it so important to
00:14:51.839 get Aus right from the
00:14:54.199 beginning um briefly we need to
00:14:57.920 basically appreciate the fact that Aus
00:15:00.320 is really a grand exper experiment and
00:15:03.600 it's an experiment in technology sharing
00:15:05.600 at the highest most sensitive levels
00:15:08.399 we've never gone there before and it's
00:15:11.040 being executed in the context of a a
00:15:14.199 trilateral organization which again is
00:15:16.680 all very new the recent itar exemptions
00:15:20.120 we're going to hear a lot about that
00:15:21.199 today nothing short of
00:15:23.399 monumental Aus covers a lot of issues
00:15:25.959 notably the the submarines of course in
00:15:27.720 pillar one but also the broad aspects of
00:15:29.720 collaboration in terms of the you know
00:15:32.160 Advanced capabilities in pillar
00:15:34.040 two from a um security cooperation
00:15:36.800 context though offer Aus to my view
00:15:39.399 offers really a an opportunity to be
00:15:42.600 able to look at many different ways of
00:15:45.279 collaborating with our capable allies in
00:15:47.519 terms of international Armament
00:15:48.800 cooperation for example and a real
00:15:50.600 hopefully a real Step Up in terms of
00:15:52.199 collaboration in terms of Cooperative
00:15:53.759 defense and Cooperative production it
00:15:56.120 offers the opportunity for the United
00:15:57.920 States in some cases to to follow rather
00:16:01.000 than lead in terms of capability
00:16:03.079 development and potentially even offers
00:16:05.560 the opportunity for the United States to
00:16:06.839 be able to import Innovation from our
00:16:08.759 allies in particular Niche areas and I
00:16:10.600 think I find this all very exciting
00:16:12.360 because it sort of complements the
00:16:14.759 historical approach to working with our
00:16:16.279 allies that's really about foreign
00:16:17.519 military sales allies buy our
00:16:19.480 capabilities we figure out how to work
00:16:21.000 together interoperability improves but
00:16:23.000 this is different and there are many
00:16:24.720 different avenues that capability
00:16:26.079 development can take so before we start
00:16:28.920 you know getting to the these
00:16:30.079 opportunities that I see out there we're
00:16:31.560 going to um ask the panelists to be able
00:16:34.000 to focus really on the the political
00:16:36.160 landscape that has evolved since Aus was
00:16:40.000 um A's Inception three years ago I'm
00:16:43.000 going to ask the panelists to talk for
00:16:45.279 about five minutes each and then we're
00:16:46.839 going to go into a Q&A
00:16:48.519 session so our first panel or actually
00:16:51.079 our our third panelist I have them in
00:16:53.079 opposite order on my notes but um
00:16:55.079 Matthew steinhelper and Matthew is the
00:16:57.160 US senior um State Department's senior
00:16:59.839 representative to OAS James Caruso is
00:17:03.079 the senior advisor and chairman of the
00:17:04.839 to The Advisory Council of the Australia
00:17:06.880 chair at csis and he's the former US
00:17:08.839 ambassador to Aion and I met him when he
00:17:10.439 was the Char in Australia and John
00:17:12.959 Moffett who's the minister counselor for
00:17:15.000 defense policy and nuclear issues at the
00:17:16.559 British Embassy here in Washington and I
00:17:18.599 think we're going to do things in order
00:17:20.039 of James John and then Matthew so I'll
00:17:24.199 ask everybody to speak for about five
00:17:25.679 minutes provide some opening remarks and
00:17:27.359 then we'll get into the Q&A okay all
00:17:30.200 right so I'm up first uh I have I'm not
00:17:34.000 Australian but I spent six years of two
00:17:36.360 tours at the Australian Embassy US
00:17:38.440 Embassy in Australia so I guess I'm
00:17:40.360 honorary somehow so I'm going to talk
00:17:42.080 for
00:17:43.440 Australia when they arrived for my
00:17:45.280 second tour in Australia in 2016
00:17:48.280 Summer where Australia was at that point
00:17:51.160 was Australian officials at the most
00:17:53.360 senior level telling me don't make us
00:17:55.799 choose between us and austral uh China
00:17:58.520 don't make make us choose they said
00:17:59.840 publicly between our largest trading
00:18:01.840 partner and our security partner and the
00:18:04.159 public line was two friends one Ally
00:18:07.120 that was our
00:18:08.480 stop uh and this was logical in many
00:18:11.559 ways because Australia had gotten very
00:18:13.440 rich from selling uh iron ore other
00:18:17.960 minerals milk Education Services tourism
00:18:21.200 services to China to the point that
00:18:23.720 about 28% of total Australian exports
00:18:26.640 went to China and the margins were TR
00:18:30.000 tremendous they still look to the US for
00:18:32.640 security and you know big part of the
00:18:34.720 five eyes Alliance for intelligence
00:18:36.159 sharing good allies in Iraq and
00:18:38.280 Afghanistan they're always with us but
00:18:40.760 it was sort of a bifurcated view of the
00:18:42.799 world what happened well the Chinese
00:18:45.559 really helped the Australians change
00:18:48.400 their minds how first uh in 2016 a labor
00:18:53.559 Senator was found to be basically
00:18:55.440 suborned by the Chinese Communist Party
00:18:58.559 um later on uh oh I have to also mention
00:19:03.480 in 2015 2014 Australia leased on the 99
00:19:07.840 year lease the port of Darwin
00:19:10.080 northermost Port facing the South China
00:19:12.080 Sea to a Chinese company didn't tell us
00:19:15.720 even though we had just recently signed
00:19:17.400 the agreement to have rotating Marines
00:19:19.840 go through Darwin uh and when uh
00:19:25.000 President Obama asked about this he was
00:19:27.400 told we could read it in the papers
00:19:29.440 not cool so there was some tension but
00:19:33.120 still always good allies but the Chinese
00:19:35.679 have ripped away any semblance of being
00:19:39.159 good
00:19:40.360 partners
00:19:42.440 um among other things like mentioned the
00:19:44.559 suborning of a labor Senator uh trying
00:19:47.400 to influence the Chinese Community uh
00:19:49.960 confucious centers spreading uh
00:19:52.280 propaganda about uh the alliance and US
00:19:56.039 place in the world and how Australia's
00:19:58.280 ad and really needs to break away and of
00:20:02.039 course uh when prime minister Turnbull
00:20:05.440 eventually said we don't want Huawei in
00:20:07.600 our 5G network uh the gig was up and chy
00:20:12.159 to start putting on all sorts of
00:20:14.080 barriers to Australian exports not
00:20:17.200 critical ones like iron or but things
00:20:18.919 like wine and lobsters and things of
00:20:20.799 that nature and it got worse and worse
00:20:23.520 so that
00:20:25.039 from uh two friends only one Ally now
00:20:29.679 it's we are all in with the
00:20:32.200 US Aus is the biggest bet Australians
00:20:35.760 ever made in
00:20:37.120 defense uh aside from maybe in World War
00:20:39.480 II when they said all right we're not
00:20:40.720 depending on Britain anymore we're
00:20:41.919 depending on the US given that Britain
00:20:43.760 was fighting for its life it was a
00:20:45.080 no-brainer this is putting all the chips
00:20:47.280 on the US and the agreement so I'll talk
00:20:50.280 later about where that stands but it
00:20:53.520 started off as a liberal party project
00:20:57.679 labor when they got elected
00:20:59.520 wholeheartedly took it on but this is
00:21:01.880 the biggest most complex agreement
00:21:04.039 Australia has ever made that maybe any
00:21:06.080 country's ever made and the question of
00:21:09.120 how much sovereignty do you give up for
00:21:11.200 this increased security is a debate that
00:21:13.400 I would argue is only beginning and
00:21:15.679 given that this is a 40-year commitment
00:21:18.400 Australia the US and Britain have to do
00:21:20.480 more to keep explaining why it matters
00:21:23.039 and why it's worth this tremendous cost
00:21:26.480 and putting all their chips on the US
00:21:28.679 stop
00:21:29.960 here um good morning everyone and and
00:21:32.320 thanks the opportunity to come here and
00:21:33.919 uh and speak today um just a few kind of
00:21:37.000 opening remarks from me on the political
00:21:39.200 resiliency and uh and UK views on Orca
00:21:42.400 so I remember over three years ago now
00:21:44.559 when I I first came across orcus I was
00:21:46.159 working in the ministry of Defense uh
00:21:48.600 and was involved in some of those very
00:21:49.760 early conversations about the concept
00:21:51.679 and thought wow this is a pretty pretty
00:21:54.279 special moment this is an audacious plan
00:21:56.520 you know there is something experiment
00:21:58.840 about it as youve said Jennifer but
00:22:00.720 there is really qu quite something here
00:22:03.080 and I must say in the three years since
00:22:04.679 that there's been a number of other kind
00:22:06.240 of well moments um that that have
00:22:08.400 appeared which have kept my fate very
00:22:10.559 much uh in in the concept uh when I came
00:22:13.720 out here to two years ago as part of my
00:22:15.679 job I often had to look at things that
00:22:17.480 are going wrong in the world perhaps
00:22:19.120 conflicts in Ukraine Middle East Etc but
00:22:21.600 the opportunity to work on orus was
00:22:23.159 something that really drew me coming out
00:22:24.480 here and to work on this at this time
00:22:26.120 given you how seal this is to some of
00:22:29.320 the kind of current security challenges
00:22:31.080 we are we are facing and I think you
00:22:33.120 looking at what we have achieved over
00:22:34.400 the last three years whether it be the
00:22:36.480 the optimal pathway uh on delivering
00:22:39.520 ssns or kind of on the other hand in a
00:22:42.159 very different nature uh our export
00:22:44.480 control reform these are really quite
00:22:46.200 remarkable things to have achieved quite
00:22:47.760 diverse things to have achieved in the
00:22:49.799 space of a few years I think and I hope
00:22:52.520 we come on to talk about this more
00:22:53.760 through the Q&A but but three things for
00:22:55.600 me that are really important that have
00:22:57.720 made this concept work well first it's
00:22:59.640 the it's a power of the idea um it's a
00:23:02.679 shared appreciation shared analysis of
00:23:04.559 the challenges across the three nations
00:23:06.880 and then of the response that that's
00:23:08.440 needed whether that be the threats that
00:23:09.799 we are facing uh in the indopacific and
00:23:12.480 and globally but also then about the
00:23:13.720 response that's required particularly
00:23:15.559 the level of industrial collaboration
00:23:17.000 that's required uh to respond to these
00:23:19.039 threats and the cutting down barriers
00:23:20.600 between nations to to deliver them and
00:23:22.760 we've seen that the power that concept
00:23:24.600 really uh a demonstration of that in UK
00:23:26.720 where we had a number of changes in in
00:23:28.720 our leadership uh and we've seen that
00:23:30.840 this power of this concept really get
00:23:33.159 traction throughout and no signs of any
00:23:35.320 flagging support um in UK for the
00:23:38.279 concept I think secondly it's about
00:23:40.000 having the right foundations in place
00:23:42.080 for orus we've really put a lot of
00:23:43.520 effort in that across the Nations over
00:23:45.000 the last few years um clearly all that
00:23:47.919 is about money and committing the right
00:23:49.440 right funding at the right stage and
00:23:51.120 getting the right contracts in place uh
00:23:53.200 but it's also other things less tangible
00:23:54.840 things like the time of our leaders who
00:23:56.840 whether the the prime ministers
00:23:58.080 president or defense ministers foreign
00:23:59.919 ministers all putting huge amounts of
00:24:01.640 personal time and capital into making uh
00:24:04.640 this work there's then and I say this is
00:24:06.559 a kind of proud bureaucrat you know kind
00:24:08.080 of governance and bureaucracy that we
00:24:09.520 put in underneath that to make this work
00:24:11.360 so that it can endure that it will last
00:24:13.600 and that we are able to kind of tackle
00:24:15.440 uh new challenges as they face and then
00:24:17.039 some of the supporting agreements
00:24:18.200 treaties uh behind it and finally I
00:24:20.559 think it's about also as well as
00:24:22.080 building those foundations being agile
00:24:23.679 so particularly when it comes to that
00:24:25.080 narrative about the the kind of policy
00:24:26.799 envelope for orcus being able to respond
00:24:29.039 to challenges to to disinformation to uh
00:24:32.880 to to new ways of describing or so
00:24:34.679 making sure that as you've said Jim it
00:24:36.360 we make sure that it stays relevant uh
00:24:38.760 it seems to be delivering for um for the
00:24:41.080 defense of our Nations thank you you
00:24:44.480 great well first and foremost just uh
00:24:46.360 thanks very much to uh uh new America
00:24:49.559 and security and defense Plus for having
00:24:50.960 us today I think this these kind of
00:24:52.159 forms are so important um especially as
00:24:54.480 we we talk about political resiliency
00:24:56.840 making sure that we actually have these
00:24:58.600 kind of platforms to elevate the profile
00:25:00.799 of these efforts and to um in many ways
00:25:04.480 get out that positive messaging of what
00:25:06.039 we're trying to achieve um for any of
00:25:08.679 you that have uh kind of been at various
00:25:11.440 events that I've spoken at I always I
00:25:13.039 always say one thing you know it's the
00:25:15.080 Aus ambition is about more than just a
00:25:19.080 couple of Defense projects the Aus
00:25:21.919 ambition and I think what we've all
00:25:24.720 already um started to touch on is about
00:25:28.440 how are we going to collectively evolve
00:25:32.159 our the nature of our partnership work
00:25:36.039 to match the evolving threats um that
00:25:40.080 we're seeing the operating picture that
00:25:41.679 we're seeing and you know I think um
00:25:45.200 since I've come into this role and and
00:25:47.000 been working on Aus for a little over 14
00:25:50.360 15 months what I've seen is we're we're
00:25:53.279 really starting to build some momentum
00:25:56.080 and as I think about political
00:25:57.399 resiliency it's it's not just about um
00:26:00.840 do we have the political leadership and
00:26:03.480 the right time in the right places um in
00:26:06.480 offices but it's really about that um in
00:26:08.600 Australia they often say social license
00:26:10.559 here public support um and so forth but
00:26:13.159 it's really about are we meeting um not
00:26:16.559 just the needs of um those of us that
00:26:19.480 pay attention to these kind of
00:26:21.159 initiatives in the National Security
00:26:22.679 sector but also the general public are
00:26:24.919 we making it tangible are we making it
00:26:27.320 practical and real
00:26:29.240 and I think that's twofold um it's both
00:26:32.000 sort of the operating environment
00:26:33.919 picture um are we getting out and
00:26:36.399 explaining the National Security uh
00:26:38.720 impetus the national security threat but
00:26:41.200 it's also are we for the various
00:26:43.200 constituents ensuring that it's um they
00:26:45.640 are seeing progress and demonstrating
00:26:48.039 that we are demonstrating progress along
00:26:49.760 the way so I think in the past year
00:26:52.520 collectively across the trilateral
00:26:54.159 system we've had a really heavy emphasis
00:26:57.520 on let's get out more messaging not just
00:27:00.840 to our our three countries but also to
00:27:03.640 the broader region of what are we doing
00:27:06.240 when I walked in the door everyone told
00:27:08.240 me including uh in civil society and
00:27:11.080 think tanks and and elsewhere you know
00:27:13.120 Aus equals submarine deal and I kept
00:27:16.880 looking back at our indopacific strategy
00:27:19.840 the public uh leader statements and V
00:27:22.559 variety of documents and and I saw that
00:27:24.720 it was more than that and so that's
00:27:26.120 where we've been building up this this
00:27:28.600 case that Aus ambition is more than just
00:27:32.320 a couple of Defense projects that we can
00:27:34.600 do that's easy that's not meeting the
00:27:37.399 evolving threat picture um of uh that
00:27:40.840 that we need to so you know in the past
00:27:43.919 year our trilateral um you know progress
00:27:46.840 on the optimal pathway has been tangible
00:27:49.720 we now have Australians um here in our
00:27:52.519 shipyards we're seeing a lot of great
00:27:54.679 progress on the enabling environment
00:27:56.600 including um the Great great work that
00:27:58.880 the trilateral partners did um and our
00:28:01.840 our state department colleagues on
00:28:03.679 export controls we're starting to see a
00:28:06.080 lot more progress on pillar two but my
00:28:09.360 bottom line and uh Jennifer and I have
00:28:12.399 talked a lot about this over the past
00:28:14.000 year is we got to continue we got to
00:28:17.159 make it more tangible more concrete and
00:28:18.960 continue to accelerate that progress and
00:28:21.000 I think the the National Security
00:28:22.480 adviser recently um has also emphasized
00:28:25.760 that we recognize it especially in
00:28:27.200 pillar 2 we got got to continue to
00:28:29.320 demonstrate that tangible progress I'll
00:28:31.640 stop there great well you've led into my
00:28:33.679 first question really well you've
00:28:34.720 already start started to touch on this
00:28:36.519 but so the question is how has Aus
00:28:38.720 demonstrated political resilience in the
00:28:40.360 face of internal or external pressures
00:28:42.039 or barriers and what strategies have
00:28:44.039 been effective in maintaining cohesion
00:28:46.080 you mentioned messaging a little bit
00:28:47.840 you've also talked about the you know
00:28:49.200 the export control rollout are there
00:28:51.000 other examples that you can think of
00:28:52.799 that have really helped to sort of push
00:28:55.679 things forward any sort of internal
00:28:57.640 strategy that may not have been apparent
00:28:59.399 to the public that that you can talk
00:29:01.039 about yeah thanks and then you can
00:29:02.880 answer them in any any order you'd like
00:29:05.440 so I'll start in this one and then I'm
00:29:07.279 gonna because this one's easy at least
00:29:10.000 for me um I think the the first point on
00:29:14.360 this is this is a long-term effort AAS
00:29:17.799 right and um I think we can't uh take
00:29:20.799 for granted that yes we have great
00:29:22.840 bipartisan support across the three
00:29:24.600 systems we've seen some early
00:29:26.440 transitions but it is very early on so I
00:29:29.760 don't want to say that we've learned any
00:29:31.200 lessons yet um there are some good
00:29:33.399 activities so far um sort of three
00:29:35.640 points one strategic one operational and
00:29:37.799 one structural I think the first on the
00:29:40.640 Strategic um you know it's really
00:29:45.120 important that um in Aus that we don't
00:29:49.240 Focus again on it as a a singular
00:29:52.320 project or a program I often bristle
00:29:55.840 when I hear that OAS is a program it's
00:29:58.320 bigger than that this is a long-term
00:30:00.120 Endeavor across um historical partners
00:30:03.200 and at the Strategic level in order for
00:30:05.519 it to work we have to constantly do
00:30:09.200 Outreach but not just to communicate our
00:30:11.760 message but to more importantly listen
00:30:14.120 and bring in that advice and counsel and
00:30:16.960 evolve recognize that we need to evolve
00:30:19.840 um our work over time and have that
00:30:21.720 flexibility so I think for that
00:30:23.440 strategic flexibility is really
00:30:26.039 important um on the operational level
00:30:29.399 we've done massive amount of work behind
00:30:31.720 the scenes on governance
00:30:34.360 structures and that's really important
00:30:37.519 um because now we have these governance
00:30:39.360 structures that are in place they're not
00:30:42.679 too rigid we've already had some uh you
00:30:46.200 know adjustments internally based off of
00:30:48.760 what we see is working and what's not
00:30:50.840 trilaterally um but what those OP those
00:30:53.519 governance structures are allowing us to
00:30:55.440 do is if individuals change in and out
00:30:58.840 whether that's at the political level or
00:31:01.440 um even at the bureaucratic level um
00:31:03.720 that's okay we've got consistency we
00:31:05.480 have structures that we can rely on
00:31:07.279 governance wise and um and and ensure
00:31:11.159 that the work of ausk proceeds and then
00:31:13.080 lastly structurally at State Department
00:31:15.519 as many of you know um thanks to the
00:31:17.679 direction of the US Congress and support
00:31:20.120 of the deputy secretary of state the
00:31:21.960 secretary the under secretary we've
00:31:24.399 really focused on long-term
00:31:25.880 institutionalization of aus so um uh
00:31:28.919 it's not just I'm not just saying that
00:31:30.480 because you know I benefit benefited by
00:31:32.399 becoming uh the AA seni advisor for the
00:31:34.760 secretary and having an office and those
00:31:36.559 kind of things but that we all felt was
00:31:38.840 really important um independent of of
00:31:41.919 the individual in the office because
00:31:44.559 especially at State Department for this
00:31:46.440 long-term Endeavor you have to have that
00:31:49.399 institutionalization to over time ensure
00:31:52.480 that there's a tension at a high level
00:31:55.519 across the the bureaucracy being applied
00:31:59.519 um in multiple regions multiple function
00:32:02.519 areas um to advance the Aus effort
00:32:07.559 excellent as I mentioned this Aus was a
00:32:10.639 liberal party project wholeheartedly
00:32:12.919 endorsed by labor because China put so
00:32:15.639 much pressure on Australia on the
00:32:17.639 economic front and after the foreign
00:32:20.039 minister asked for a uh independent
00:32:22.880 review of what happened with covid uh
00:32:26.440 the Chinese Embassy eventually gave a
00:32:28.600 list of 14 actions that Australia must
00:32:31.559 do to rectify things and you
00:32:36.000 know with due respect to all my
00:32:38.000 Australian colleagues you don't deal
00:32:39.440 with Australians that way they get they
00:32:41.720 get a little upset so social license for
00:32:46.120 doing something was there and this was
00:32:48.399 the big answer is with the biggest uh
00:32:51.159 partner security partner so everything
00:32:53.559 was moving
00:32:54.720 forward but you know we're democracies
00:32:57.360 and over over time unless there's real
00:32:59.760 strong progress which I think you can
00:33:01.360 point to especially in the subs people
00:33:03.559 start asking questions first of all
00:33:05.440 second of all uh the labor party
00:33:08.200 government is having as most governments
00:33:11.720 do midterm getting weaker uh they are
00:33:17.240 being attacked from the left by the
00:33:18.960 greens who are resolutely anti-us by the
00:33:22.159 so-called teals or Independents who also
00:33:25.200 are uh at best Aras skeptic
00:33:28.679 and they're having more and more
00:33:30.080 journalists uh from the right and left
00:33:33.080 who are questioning the cost and whether
00:33:34.960 this is the best place to put your money
00:33:37.080 because Australia is doing things like
00:33:40.000 uh cutting back on conventional surface
00:33:43.080 ships uh not buying additional uh Joint
00:33:46.639 Strike Fighters uh selling a bunch of
00:33:50.080 their tanks so they're saying our
00:33:51.559 conventional forces are being shrunk our
00:33:54.480 budget for these nuclear subs going
00:33:57.080 forward
00:33:58.440 you've pushed out eight years according
00:33:59.720 to the budget we
00:34:01.480 are at risk until these things start
00:34:04.200 coming
00:34:05.639 on maybe by 2030 and oh by the way we
00:34:08.440 put all chips on a country the US which
00:34:11.280 is going through its own political
00:34:13.320 uncertainty so is this the best way to
00:34:15.560 go so this is an ongoing discussion so
00:34:18.520 far so good but we really need to show
00:34:20.839 progress on pillar two to show three
00:34:23.399 years on the anniversary of of the
00:34:25.320 signing was I think September 21 coming
00:34:27.239 right up
00:34:28.918 yeah so we need to show progress in
00:34:31.040 pillar two uh ship maintenance on on a
00:34:34.679 Virginia class will take place in Perth
00:34:37.000 soon which is good except for all these
00:34:39.320 Americans who going to take housing in
00:34:40.639 Perth where housing is already really
00:34:42.320 expensive well that cause tensions so
00:34:44.960 there's a lot going on uh that will
00:34:47.560 require
00:34:48.760 continued discussion by senior people in
00:34:52.359 Australian government and Society about
00:34:55.079 why this big audacious plan requires big
00:34:57.720 aous budgets and action continuous for
00:35:01.640 40
00:35:03.760 years just to follow up there a few
00:35:06.240 points um I think the the context uh has
00:35:10.320 helped us as orus has evolved the world
00:35:12.240 has only got a more dangerous place
00:35:14.440 since we made the the first announcement
00:35:16.560 a few years ago and what comes from that
00:35:19.079 well I think firstly just the
00:35:20.599 essentialness of of industrial
00:35:21.960 collaboration deep industrial
00:35:23.240 technological collaboration between
00:35:25.280 between partners between allies and how
00:35:27.079 vital that is to any kind of current
00:35:28.800 current conflict including kind of Co
00:35:30.800 co-production um and then just the
00:35:32.800 requirement for the advanced
00:35:33.920 capabilities that we are we are talking
00:35:35.599 about with orcus as well I think uh
00:35:38.640 we've learned lessons around our
00:35:40.240 narrative and how how vital that
00:35:41.760 narrative is whether that's
00:35:43.119 internationally or or or domestically
00:35:45.079 and obviously the orus announce
00:35:47.079 announcement was a surprise uh for most
00:35:49.319 people and that took a bit of handling
00:35:51.440 um but we moved a very different
00:35:52.720 approach now much more active approach
00:35:54.880 in communicating our narrative and
00:35:56.800 avoiding surpris is um particularly in
00:35:58.760 the region um where obviously there a
00:36:00.920 great deal of sensitivities uh
00:36:03.119 particularly around uh ssns and we've
00:36:05.359 done a I think as other have said have
00:36:07.040 gone a long way to uh disabuse the ideas
00:36:09.720 just about nuclear power submarines or
00:36:11.200 some of the other disinformation um that
00:36:13.280 was out there but that's going to be
00:36:14.359 ever more vital in the years ahead as
00:36:15.920 this is a genuinely long-term project um
00:36:18.800 so I think you know and then selling it
00:36:20.240 to to the public as well and I uh was
00:36:22.480 lucky enough to go to a Nascar event a
00:36:24.480 few months ago and uh was very surprised
00:36:27.079 to then see an orcus uh kind of brand
00:36:30.319 across one of the cars there uh which I
00:36:33.079 was highly impressed by the efforts of
00:36:34.560 the US government to to get the message
00:36:36.720 out there but that's important um and
00:36:38.920 we're doing trans UK as well we've
00:36:40.920 announced our own nuclear strategy and
00:36:43.560 that's not just keeping it in a defense
00:36:45.560 side that's talking talking about things
00:36:46.880 across government so what are the skills
00:36:48.720 we need in the right places for for our
00:36:50.560 industrial base um what's the
00:36:52.560 infrastructure we need uh in places up
00:36:55.160 in northwest of England where we build
00:36:56.560 our our sub Marines and seeing about
00:36:58.960 this as youve said not just a defense
00:37:01.640 project but something there is a a
00:37:03.720 national a national
00:37:05.319 effort uh
00:37:07.880 yeah um speaking of advertising I I
00:37:10.319 don't know if you all saw the Super Bowl
00:37:11.520 but there was an a had at the Super Bowl
00:37:13.319 I was shocked like gotta play that again
00:37:16.400 so we're gonna shift gears a little bit
00:37:18.200 and talk think still think about the
00:37:19.720 narrative but think about it on a
00:37:20.960 regional a regional level so the next
00:37:23.520 question is what role does Aus play in
00:37:25.680 prioritizing
00:37:27.800 security and stability in the Indo
00:37:29.119 Pacific and what successes have been
00:37:31.319 apparent so far and my add on to that is
00:37:34.000 there is there a plan in play for
00:37:36.160 coordinating with regional
00:37:38.760 organizations anybody want to go first
00:37:41.079 I'll I'll go first just I spent a lot of
00:37:43.079 my career in Indonesia and Thailand and
00:37:45.680 asan um so when this first was announced
00:37:48.720 they were real unhappy they weren't
00:37:50.920 informed uh they were real unhappy
00:37:52.920 because they say this is the Anglo
00:37:54.280 getting together again and that never
00:37:55.599 worked out well for us um um John said
00:37:59.599 nuclear nuclear is a four-letter word
00:38:02.839 comma despite the fact Australia is the
00:38:04.160 biggest exporter of uranium
00:38:06.920 um and there's distrust basically what
00:38:09.720 what this all meant is this going to be
00:38:11.640 the Anglo dictating policy to us through
00:38:16.280 strength but over time through the
00:38:18.920 efforts of our three nations and
00:38:21.000 constant discussion about what this
00:38:22.680 really meant they're not nuclear armed
00:38:24.720 we countered the Chinese propaganda that
00:38:26.800 they're going to be nuar equipped that
00:38:28.800 somehow nuclear radiation is going to
00:38:30.359 leak out of the reactors on the ships
00:38:32.760 they've come around to saying Okay this
00:38:34.079 may actually be a net additive to the
00:38:36.720 regional
00:38:38.119 security um and we've seen that
00:38:40.720 certainly in Indonesia where Australia
00:38:42.760 Indonesia just signed uh an enhanced
00:38:45.319 defense cooperation agreement which is
00:38:47.079 really really something you also see
00:38:49.240 Indonesian troops exercising in Dar with
00:38:51.760 Australian and US Marines that's quite
00:38:55.680 something uh and and they basically gone
00:38:58.040 quiet in Southeast Asia about what Aus
00:39:01.160 means they're not hugely supportive
00:39:03.480 publicly but the fact that they're quiet
00:39:05.520 about it it means a lot now Pacific
00:39:08.079 Islands is another matter uh the point
00:39:11.079 you raised about whether we need to do
00:39:12.800 more
00:39:15.079 so we've been advocating at CIS csis
00:39:18.560 this idea of having maybe a yearly
00:39:21.160 conference for all the interested
00:39:22.760 parties to talk about it bring them into
00:39:25.440 the game tell them what we're doing see
00:39:27.520 if there are ways to expand cooperation
00:39:29.400 that way I think we go a long
00:39:31.760 way I I would add um you know because
00:39:35.000 this is what we spent a lot of time on
00:39:37.599 at State Department um one of one of the
00:39:40.319 first things that we did um when I first
00:39:43.760 arrived was create instigate you know F
00:39:47.640 uh in a positive sense a trilateral
00:39:50.319 structure um where um effectively not
00:39:54.560 exclusively the diplomats but the
00:39:56.440 diplomats could get together
00:39:57.560 trilaterally and talk about these kind
00:39:59.640 of issues both in an unclassified and a
00:40:01.880 classified space um we pulled in all of
00:40:05.760 the tools that we have in our toolbox
00:40:08.440 especially at State Department from
00:40:10.280 reaching into our data analytics teams
00:40:12.680 our disformation teams our survey
00:40:15.560 analysis groups um a wide variety um of
00:40:19.839 entities to First do an assessment of
00:40:22.800 what are we doing what's working what do
00:40:24.720 we need to do differently and I think
00:40:27.760 one of the first things that I observed
00:40:30.240 early on especially related to the
00:40:32.400 region was that our messaging just
00:40:34.960 wasn't Landing um if you look at um you
00:40:38.920 know then versus now what we talk a lot
00:40:41.880 more about now is about Aus having a
00:40:46.160 positive impact to the region that it's
00:40:48.200 not just about um uh you know well it it
00:40:54.079 we have a positive message let me put it
00:40:55.880 that way and
00:40:57.880 I think you know we've done a lot of
00:41:00.000 really good work and and I will give
00:41:01.760 credit to our Australian colleagues
00:41:03.319 because they've really instigated a lot
00:41:04.880 of it is ensuring that every step along
00:41:07.280 the way whenever we do have a public
00:41:09.200 announcement that we proactively do
00:41:12.760 pre-briefing for various countries
00:41:14.680 around the world for that for um other
00:41:18.079 institutions um for aan members and in
00:41:21.880 countries um because we feel that that
00:41:24.560 is one of our strengths that
00:41:26.160 transparency
00:41:27.880 um and and I think that's bearing fruit
00:41:31.359 where I think we need to head um in the
00:41:34.040 coming year and this is something that
00:41:36.720 um I and my team have talked a lot about
00:41:38.319 is Now's the Time especially as um uh
00:41:41.640 for us at state but also for others to
00:41:44.880 get out even more and do more
00:41:46.960 engagements not just at the government
00:41:48.760 level not just with the defense
00:41:50.839 Ministries or the foreign Ministries but
00:41:53.200 with civil society and things tanks in
00:41:55.160 in the region with go don't be afraid to
00:41:57.800 go talk to journalists and and ensure
00:42:00.280 that we're engaging in meaningful ways
00:42:03.040 and so I think we we do a lot of that in
00:42:04.880 our capitals but now we have to take it
00:42:07.480 to the region to ensure that AAS is put
00:42:09.720 into context um AAS is just you know for
00:42:12.520 the US it's just one of many initiatives
00:42:15.240 so um uh and and I won't speak for other
00:42:19.079 governments but for for those
00:42:20.440 governments too that it's one of many
00:42:22.640 initiatives for the for the region and
00:42:25.440 that there are positive a net benefits
00:42:28.520 and I think we're starting to see some
00:42:29.920 progress as a
00:42:31.160 result yeah I think just to just to add
00:42:33.880 we we've seen some that the changes in
00:42:36.079 the regional reception thanks thanks to
00:42:37.800 all the hard work of of Partners here
00:42:39.960 and in improving that narrative and
00:42:42.480 whether it's shifting into a kind of
00:42:43.839 positive position on orus or or just
00:42:45.520 moving through a kind neutral position
00:42:47.760 uh not being out to be hostile we've
00:42:49.520 we've seen some real some real shifts
00:42:51.559 with our partners in the region and I
00:42:53.079 think key to that is getting across this
00:42:55.400 is not an attempt by the the Anglo as
00:42:58.200 some described it to kind of seek a
00:42:59.839 leadership role here this is should be
00:43:01.200 complimentary um to other Regional
00:43:03.160 structures whether that's aam whether
00:43:04.920 that's that's other kind of regional
00:43:07.000 groupings and making sure what we're
00:43:08.119 doing is is seem to be supporting that
00:43:10.680 um and I think then looking at this from
00:43:12.800 a a UK UK perspective it's probably most
00:43:15.440 concrete example we have the indopacific
00:43:17.359 Tilt that we've talked about in our in
00:43:19.440 our recent um strategic reviews um and
00:43:22.920 clearly we're now putting a lot of
00:43:23.880 effort behind it but it has also I think
00:43:26.160 been uh uh helped us get get a first and
00:43:28.920 door for other initiatives and we've uh
00:43:31.480 in in the kind of intervening period uh
00:43:33.680 forms a new agreements with Japan on
00:43:36.240 reciprocal access um we have started
00:43:39.440 Global combat air program uh with Italy
00:43:42.640 and Japan as well uh and we are looking
00:43:45.319 at our our membership of partnership
00:43:46.960 with with aan and uh CTB cbtb and other
00:43:51.119 groupings to make sure that we are this
00:43:53.000 is part of a broader a broader plan of
00:43:56.359 Engagement by the UK in in Pacific it's
00:44:00.079 a great example thanks very much
00:44:02.599 so none of you were involved in the
00:44:04.920 early stages of setting things up so
00:44:06.800 maybe sort of think about this as from
00:44:08.640 taking a step out looking back so we're
00:44:10.800 now three years on what lessons to your
00:44:13.520 mind can be drawn from the uh experience
00:44:16.000 of aus so far to your mind and how can
00:44:19.440 these lessons be applied to other
00:44:20.760 International alliances or Partnerships
00:44:22.720 if you didn't want to take that last bit
00:44:24.040 of the question think about is there
00:44:25.839 anything you would have done differently
00:44:27.880 to set up Aus pillar one or pillar two
00:44:30.160 for Success this is about lessons and
00:44:32.520 sort of experiences okay well I I should
00:44:34.760 prob volun to go to go first uh on that
00:44:36.920 one uh and look I mean every every
00:44:39.040 partnership is unique uh every every
00:44:41.640 partnership is different and so we have
00:44:42.960 to be careful about about drawing T
00:44:44.960 lessons I think I've already talked
00:44:46.800 about a narrative and and how how vital
00:44:49.359 that is to this uh the narrative
00:44:51.920 globally with our with with our
00:44:53.520 populations uh and I as we talked about
00:44:56.319 we've learned a lot
00:44:57.760 about that as we've as we we've gone
00:44:59.680 through it uh I think we've learned the
00:45:02.240 value of of being candid with each other
00:45:05.040 I think that's one of the strengths of
00:45:06.680 orcus is that because we have such
00:45:09.040 strong shared existing defense Links of
00:45:12.680 the five eyes uh Etc shared historical
00:45:16.720 cultur it allows us to have some some
00:45:19.040 some candid conversations uh and we've
00:45:20.960 been able to do that which has meant
00:45:21.960 we've able to get through uh setting up
00:45:24.240 such a such a very difficult things um
00:45:26.760 it in a short period of time uh but I
00:45:30.599 think then as others have said kind of
00:45:32.200 getting those messages out uh early on
00:45:34.960 what we are doing what this is achieving
00:45:37.200 uh and setting up that kind of regular
00:45:38.520 drum beat of what's been done and there
00:45:40.319 was a bit of a trade-off there um
00:45:42.200 particularly when it comes to to to to
00:45:43.880 pillar one with submarines these are
00:45:45.920 clearly long-term projects uh and they
00:45:48.480 won't necessarily uh produce uh
00:45:50.720 submarines for for quite some time but
00:45:52.119 there are lots of things we can talk
00:45:53.119 about in the meantime there lots of work
00:45:54.640 we can do in the meantime that relates
00:45:56.640 um to subsurface Warfare um and we
00:45:59.760 should get on and communicate those
00:46:01.319 amongst the other Advanced capabilities
00:46:03.760 and work that we are doing um but I
00:46:06.000 think fundamentally bring it back to
00:46:07.240 where I started earlier it's it's about
00:46:08.880 that shared analysis of the threat if
00:46:10.920 you can identify what what the
00:46:12.319 challenges are and what the response
00:46:13.800 should should be uh and have firm
00:46:15.880 agreement at the top level on that firm
00:46:17.720 commitment behind it then that gives you
00:46:19.359 that foundation for everything else to
00:46:21.520 come from
00:46:23.480 you um just Echo what John said
00:46:27.599 I think our our our countries did a good
00:46:29.960 job of sort of defining the problem uh
00:46:33.200 and this being a
00:46:34.720 solution for the Australian public I
00:46:37.240 think they I mean how many people do you
00:46:39.480 suppose know what itar is suddenly
00:46:41.960 everyone in Australia knows what itar is
00:46:44.280 uh that was an education because it
00:46:45.880 looks like something that a lot of
00:46:48.599 analysts said they'll never change it
00:46:50.200 it's too hard the fact that the US did
00:46:52.319 change it for this deal is very
00:46:55.680 significant um and I wish the Australian
00:46:57.800 government would talk more about how
00:46:59.200 significant that is as this indication
00:47:01.760 of how serious the US is about following
00:47:04.400 through so if we ever do it again I
00:47:06.480 think we need to uh set up the scenario
00:47:09.559 of yeah this is hard this is why we have
00:47:12.040 to overcome but this is why we're so
00:47:14.559 serious about it and why it's so
00:47:15.680 important we're going to do it yeah from
00:47:18.559 from my perspective I always hesitate to
00:47:20.640 say that there are Lessons Learned or um
00:47:25.280 that we can apply you know sort of in a
00:47:27.920 cookie cutter approach to other
00:47:30.119 initiatives um this kind of you know
00:47:33.559 various examples from the AAS
00:47:35.079 partnership because I think OAS is
00:47:36.440 pretty unique um I think you know the
00:47:39.440 the history the long-standing history
00:47:42.079 the close ties between the US UK and
00:47:45.760 Australia is very special in many ways
00:47:48.640 so I think that has flavored our um work
00:47:52.319 quite a bit that said I think one of the
00:47:55.680 things that um
00:47:57.680 we have I think done pretty well it
00:48:01.280 especially recently is um kind of
00:48:04.599 building off of what my colleagues
00:48:05.960 mentioned is continuing to elevate that
00:48:09.640 uh um Outreach and communication I think
00:48:12.559 we've done that well recently I don't
00:48:14.440 think that necessarily was the case
00:48:15.839 early on of talking about um the the
00:48:19.040 Strategic narrative um and I think we
00:48:21.319 have more progress to to make on that um
00:48:25.160 one area where I think we we should have
00:48:27.079 done more earlier on it's easy for me to
00:48:29.079 say just cuz I wasn't there at the very
00:48:30.680 beginning but um I think really focusing
00:48:33.720 especially on pillar two to make it
00:48:35.359 tangible concrete and delivering
00:48:37.640 projects quick um I just I I think
00:48:40.359 that's going to be anyone that knows
00:48:42.599 this business it is very difficult to um
00:48:46.319 even uh within one country to get a
00:48:48.760 brand new project off the ground
00:48:50.440 resourced contracted into production and
00:48:53.400 so forth so that takes time there's a
00:48:55.040 time frame to to develop on that and
00:48:57.440 then you expand that trilaterally that's
00:48:59.440 another story so continuing to um
00:49:02.520 recognize that there is a an importance
00:49:05.640 to delivering or showing demonstrable
00:49:08.200 results and although I think we have um
00:49:10.960 and we've put published many of those in
00:49:13.079 various defense minister meeting
00:49:14.559 statements and those kind of things it
00:49:16.400 there's the desire still for more and
00:49:18.160 more tangible benefit especially for
00:49:20.559 pillar to so I think um it's fair to be
00:49:23.000 critiqued and I actually think that's
00:49:24.760 good to listen to those and and see what
00:49:26.920 you can draw from it we've not done this
00:49:28.839 before so I don't think it's a bad idea
00:49:30.359 to critique of course look back um I
00:49:33.400 have one more question then we'll turn
00:49:34.480 it over for Q&A is that okay everybody
00:49:37.400 okay what um the last question is what
00:49:39.000 are the future directions and potential
00:49:41.400 developments for Aus we've already
00:49:43.040 touched on some of these issues a little
00:49:44.520 bit with bringing up iar for example but
00:49:46.559 want to push a little bit on that to see
00:49:47.920 if we can get some concrete um thoughts
00:49:50.520 and and how might Aus evolve to meet new
00:49:52.960 challenges such in in the technological
00:49:54.720 space or also to respond to all other
00:49:57.000 sort of major geopolitical
00:49:59.359 shifts I'm happy to to take uh or to
00:50:02.200 start this one you know I think um one
00:50:05.480 of the obvious um areas was that back in
00:50:08.559 April we announced um that we were
00:50:11.359 considering consultations a very
00:50:13.119 carefully crafted phrase uh considering
00:50:15.760 consultations with Japan um for pillar
00:50:18.440 two projects um you know for my view I
00:50:22.079 think this this is a a great way to
00:50:24.480 accelerate our progress I know there's a
00:50:26.079 lot of folks out there that say Um this
00:50:28.799 can actually make it more challenging
00:50:30.880 gum up the system make it more difficult
00:50:33.559 I think there are unique benefits from
00:50:35.799 various countries um where um we can
00:50:39.280 leverage that technical expertise and um
00:50:43.040 uh help deliver uh progress at the same
00:50:46.040 time I think there's a real um you know
00:50:48.680 def deterrent effect that um comes about
00:50:52.119 from doing those kind of activities so I
00:50:53.839 could see some continued progress in
00:50:56.319 that space I would also say that um you
00:51:00.400 know we've made great progress on the
00:51:02.480 export control environment it still has
00:51:04.520 to be implemented of course we just
00:51:05.960 started at September one I often ask the
00:51:10.240 question what else do you need
00:51:12.640 especially if small and medium
00:51:13.839 Enterprise what's the next thing that's
00:51:16.000 getting in your way and how do we
00:51:18.280 continue to evolve that enabling
00:51:20.400 environment um across the the three
00:51:22.839 countries so that way Aus can be a
00:51:25.559 catalyst for change especially while we
00:51:27.920 have strong bipartisan support across
00:51:30.359 our three systems so my hope is over the
00:51:32.720 next year or so that we'll be able to
00:51:34.880 get even more feedback about what else
00:51:37.200 is needed so we can try to insert that
00:51:39.760 into our US policy process or a
00:51:42.920 trilateral um processes and see what can
00:51:45.720 we do what what's can we achieve yet
00:51:48.480 another uh Cornerstone or Mary component
00:51:51.599 of the arus ambition just just to add I
00:51:54.640 think um the most remarkable we've
00:51:56.960 achieved so far is on that enabling
00:51:59.559 environment uh and some of the
00:52:01.119 announcements we've had uh in recent
00:52:03.640 weeks uh months uh and that we are now
00:52:06.720 beginning to look at um the uh ecosystem
00:52:10.359 for for investors for for industry for
00:52:13.280 Innovation looking at these issues as
00:52:14.839 well you so I think as Matt said we need
00:52:16.880 to keep going on that um that is some
00:52:19.200 ways is kind of the most transformative
00:52:21.359 aspect of orcus in these early years is
00:52:23.520 really uh changing just how we work
00:52:25.720 together and having fully
00:52:27.200 uh being fully integrated uh in many
00:52:29.799 areas so that we are able to respond
00:52:32.079 quickly to the to to the threats we we
00:52:33.880 face and develop capabilities to to get
00:52:36.000 out that for me that is the most
00:52:37.040 remarkable thing but we need to keep
00:52:38.880 moving quickly on that front and not
00:52:40.599 rest on our Laurels then then looking at
00:52:43.200 the two pillars I think on on pillar one
00:52:45.720 with the submarines uh again a bit of
00:52:48.160 tension there we need to get on and
00:52:49.960 allow the programs to get on and and
00:52:52.040 deliver and really focus on on time
00:52:53.680 scales and and meeting uh the challenges
00:52:56.280 we we have there we know from our own
00:52:57.839 experience in the UK building nuclear
00:52:59.720 submarines it's a
00:53:06.359 fishlyn so we just need to make sure
00:53:09.119 that we are really focused on delivery
00:53:11.119 in that on that front but also being
00:53:12.799 able to show progress to our to our to
00:53:15.040 our Parliament to Congress to to our
00:53:16.880 public on what we're achieving there
00:53:18.640 because you know huge sums are involved
00:53:20.319 for for all of us and investing in our
00:53:22.280 uh submarine industrial base and and
00:53:24.000 developments then then pillar two
00:53:27.040 uh you know some some question marks
00:53:29.000 about uh bre versus depth how many
00:53:32.200 projects do want to get after how many
00:53:33.520 capabili

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